Propriétés Optiques et Magnétiques des Architectures Moléculaires | POMAM

Head of the research group

CHOUA Sylvie
Professeureà l'Unistra

Year of creation of the group - 2007


Le Bel Institute, 8th floor North

Secretarial and accounting services provided by

STOLL Geneviève
email:  genstoll[at]
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 13 64

Group members

Permanent members

Non-permanent members

  •  Post-Doctorant
  •  Research team : POMAM
  •  Doctorant
  •  Research team : POMAM
  •  Doctorant
  •  Research team : OMECA
  •  Research team : POMAM
  •  Doctorant
  •  Research team : POMAM

Description of the research group

The team is made up of (bio) physicists, physico-chemists, and organic chemists experimenters whose research topics are:

  1. The electronic and magnetic properties of:
    a) molecules and molecular materials (molecular architectures);
    b) nanomaterials of various origin (polymers, thin coasts (layer), etc.);
  2. The objects of biological interest (proteins, membrane structures, etc.) with a particular interest in aspects of structural biology.
  3. The Quantum information.
  4. Involvement of radical-type mechanisms in cutaneous inflammatory and allergic reactions.


  • Magnetic properties of nanomaterials
  • Molecular electronics
  • Biophysics: oxidative stress, structural biology
  • Investigating the molecular basis of skin allergy: understanding the radical chemical mechanisms responsible for hapten-protein interactions
  • Spin Qubits

Research tools

¤ Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopies
¤ Molecular Orbital Calculation Methods of  Functional Density Type (DFT)
¤ Systems of studies:

  • Conjugated systems
  • Coordination complexes
  • Nanoparticles
  • Molecules of biological interest and / or biomimetic.

List of equipment and devices

  • Bruker Elexys E580 in continuous and pulse mode: X-band (10 GHz), Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) et double electron–electron resonance (DEER).
  • Bruker EMX Plus continuous mode, X-band (10 GHz), Q-band (35 GHz).
  • Bruker ECS106 continuous mode, X-band (10 GHz).
  • Bruker ESP300, continuous mode, X-band (10 GHz).
  • Accessories for electrochemistry in situ: potentiostat, cells adapted to EPR.
  • Accessories for the optical illumination in situ: EPR resonator and UV-visible Ar-Kr mixed gas laser.
  • Accessories for cryogenics temperatures between room temperature and 1.7 K and accessories authorizing high temperatures until 600 K.

Additionnal information

Node of the Research Infrastructure (IR 3443) EPR of the CNRS 'Renard',  registered in the 'Large Equipments / Large Research Infrastructures' of the CNRS: The laboratory answers via this platform to the requests for EPR analysis in fluid, or frozen solution, on support or on single-crystal.  Experiments are adapted and optimized for diverse recording support.

For further information, contact the person in charge of the platform Nolwenn Le Breton and visit the POMAM laboratory website:

email : nlebreton[at]
Phone : +33 (0)3 68 85 16 31

Selection of recent publications

Y. Port-Lougarre, C. Gourlaouen, B. Vileno, E. Giménez-Arnau
Antioxidant activity and skin sensitization of eugenol and isoeugenol: two sides of the same coin?
Chem Res Toxicol, 2023, 36 (11), 1804-1813. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.3c00263

B. Vileno, Y. Port-Lougarre, E. Giménez-Arnau
Electron paramagnetic resonance and spin trapping to detect free radicals from sensitizing xenobiotics in contact with the skin: from the molecule to the tissue
Contact Dermatitis2022, 86 (4), 241-253. DOI: 10.1111/cod.14037

E. Di Piazza, C. Boilleau, A. Vacher, K. Merahi, L. Norel, K. Costuas, T. Roisnel, S. Choua, P. Turek, S. Rigaut
Ruthenium carbon-rich group as a redox-switchable metal coupling unit in linear trinuclear complexes
Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56(23), 14540-14555

C. Fliedel, V. Rosa, B. Vileno, N. Parizel, S. Choua, C. Gourlaouen, P. Rosa, P. Turek, P. Braunstein
Zwitterionic Cobalt Complexes with Bis(diphenylphosphino)(N-thioether)amine Assembling Ligands: Structural, EPR, Magnetic, and Computational Studies
Inorg.  Chem.,
2016, 55(9), 4183-4198

A. K. Boudalis, G. Rogez,  B. Heinrich,  R. G. Raptis,  P. Turek
Towards ionic liquids with tailored magnetic properties: bmim+ salts of ferro- and antiferromagnetic CuII3 triangles
Dalton Trans.
, 2017,  46, 12263-12273


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