Le Bel Institute, 8th floor North
Secretarial and accounting services provided by
email: paola.sager[at]unistra.fr
Phone : +33 (0)3 68 85 12 41
Group members
Permanent members
BADETS Vasilica
- Maître de Conférences à l'Unistra
- badets[at]unistra.fr
- +33 (0)3 68 8 51418
- Research team : LECPCS
- Maître de Conférences à l'Unistra
- bonnefont[at]unistr.fr
- +33 (0)3 68 8 51418
- Research team : LECPCS
BOUDON Corinne
- Professeur à l'Unistra
- cboudon[at]unistra.fr
- +33 (0)3 68 8 51414
- Research team : LECPCS
- Professeur à l'Unistra
- lruhlmann[at]unistra.fr
- +33 (0)3 68 8 51415
- Research team : LECPCS
Non-permanent members
CAI Zhiwai
- Doctorant
- Research team : LECPCS
- Doctorant
- Research team : LECPCS
- Doctorant
- Research team : LECPCS
Description of the research group
The research activities carried out in the laboratory concern electrode mechanisms, interfacial electrochemistry and the property-structure relationship of nano-objects developed at an interface.
The analysis of mechanisms as well as the determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of electron transfer (s) allowed us to acquire, for many years, an undeniable expertise in the analysis of complex molecular systems and molecular architectures of nanometric scales.
This research topic is by nature very interdisciplinary. In addition to understanding and replicating the properties of natural systems, this research topic is very closely linked to the development of molecular nanosystems whose functioning involves the intra or extramolecular transfer of electrons.
The efficiency of energy conversion devices or nanoelectronic properties can be greatly enhanced by the use of nanostructured hybrid materials (e.g., organized networks of active nanoparticles or self-assembled materials). One of the goals of our research is to understand and control the electrocatalytic processes at nanostructured interfaces in the perspective of application to energy conversion. Another goal concerns the study of the organization of nanomaterials formed in order to better rationalize the resulting properties.
Research topics
- Molecular electrochemistry
- Properties of nanoscale systems and molecular architectures
- Electrosynthesis
- Electropolymerization
- Electrocatalysis and environmental photocatalysis
- Nanostructured interfaces: electrocatalysis and energy conversion
- New self-assembled materials: organization and correlations structure reactivity
List of equipment and instruments
- Multifunction Potentiostats / Galvanostats: Linear voltammetry, impulse and transient, Electrochemical impedance methods, Disc and ring electrodes
- UV-Vis-NIR-IR spectrometers with diode array for spectroelectrochemistry (low temperature and ambient temperature)
- EQCM (electrochemical quartz microbalance)
- Arc Xe lamps
- Monochromator
- Glove box
- DEMS (Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectroscopy)
Selection of key publications
H. Dridi, A. Boulmier, P. Bolle, A. Dolbecq, J.-N. Rebilly, F. Banse, L. Ruhlmann,* H. Serier-Brault, R. Dessapt,* P. Mialane, O. Oms*
Directing the solid-state photochromic and luminescent behaviors of spiromolecules with Dawson and Anderson polyoxometalate units
J. Mat. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 637 - 649, DOI:10.1039/c9tc05906g
“Trends in polyoxometalate research”, Editors, L. Ruhlmann* and D. Schaming. Publisher: Nova Science Publishers Inc, Imprint: Nova Science Publishers Inc, ISBN-13: 9781634826563, Publication date: 1st june 2015, Pages: 1-427.