Photoallergic contact dermatitis is a skin disease caused by combined exposure to photoreactive chemicals and sunlight. Exposure to allergens and the risk of skin sensitization is an essential regulatory issue within the industry. Yet, only few non-validated assays for photoallergy assessment exist as the pathogenesis is not fully deciphered. Improving such assays and/or developing new ones require an understanding of the chemical mechanisms involved. The first key event in the photosensitization process, namely chemical binding of the photoallergen to endogenous proteins, is thought to proceed via photo-mediated radicals arising from the photoallergen. Moreover, the mechanism of action of these radicals if formed in the epidermis is not known and far from being unraveled. We present here an original proof-of-concept methodology to probe radical generation from allergens in contact with photoexposed skin, using electron paramagnetic reso- nance and spin trapping in a reconstructed human epidermis model mimicking real-life exposure scenarios.