Biphenol-based ligands have proven their ability to bind titanium(IV) centers and generate sophisticated self-assembled structures in which auxiliary nitrogen ligands often complete the coordination sphere of the metal and improve stability. Here, a central 4,4′-bipyridine, which acts as both a spacer and a source of monodentate nitrogen to complete the coordination sphere of the Ti(IV) complex, was incorporated within two bis-2,2′-biphenol strands, 3H4 and 4H4. Both proligands possess structural features that are well adapted to form self-assembled structures built from titanium–oxygen–nitrogen units; however, their different degrees of torsional freedom strongly influenced the nuclearity of the complexes formed. The presence of a phenyl spacer between the bipyridine and the biphenol moieties of 3H4 provided enough flexibility for the ligand to wrap around one titanium(IV) center to form a mononuclear complex Ti(3)(DMF)2 in the presence of dimethylformamide (DMF). Assembly of the more rigid ligand 4H4 with Ti(OiPr)4 afforded a tetranuclear complex Ti4(4)2(4H)2(OEt)2 containing four stacked 4,4′-bipyridine units as shown by the X-ray structure of the complex. Density functional theory studies suggested that the assembly of this tetrametallic complex involves a dimetallic intermediate with TiO6 nodes that is converted to the thermodynamically stable tetranuclear complex with two TiO6 nodes and two TiO5N units with enhanced covalent character.
Jean Joseph, Pierre Mobian, Alain Chaumont, Jennifer A. Wytko, and Jean Weiss
Going Up the Ladder: Stacking Four 4,4′-Bipyridine Moieties within a Ti(IV)-Based Tetranuclear Architecture
Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 41, 16448–16457 (Publication Date:October 6, 2022) - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c02566
Jennifer A. Wytko, and Jean Weiss, team CLAC, Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177).