Coordination Chemistry Reviews


Cavity-shaped ligands offer unique opportunities for influencing the first sphere of coordination of metals because of their capacity to act as containers for metal centers and/or preorganization platforms. These unique properties are of particular importance in asymmetric metal catalysis where spatial control around the coordinated substrate is of paramount importance for reaching high ee values. This perspective article describes the different approaches, whether covalent or supramolecular, that have so far been used for achieving enantiodiscrimination in asymmetric metal-catalyzed reactions thanks to metal complexation within or near chiral capsular environments.


Zeyneb Kaya, Embarek Bentouhami, Katrin Pelzer, Dominique Armspach

Cavity-shaped ligands for asymmetric metal catalysis

Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 445 (2021) 214066 – DOI :



Dominique Armspach, Équipe Confinement Moléculaire et Catalyse (, Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177).

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