Winning combo: Porphyrins and polyoxometalates can be combined into useful architectures for energy conversion, this minireview highlights the most successful strategies developed to date.
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Winning combo: Porphyrins and polyoxometalates can be combined into useful architectures for energy conversion, this minireview highlights the most successful strategies developed to date.
Polyoxometalates (POMs) can act as unique reservoirs for multiple electron transfers. As POMs display only weak absorption in the visible spectrum, they can be associated with chromophores such as porphyrins and porphyrin antennae. In this Minireview, the research dedicated to the combination of porphyrins and polyoxometalates is put in context and the state of the art identifying the challenges addressed in the optimization of hybrid materials for applications is detailed.
Raphaël Lamare, Romain Ruppert, Corinne Boudon, Laurent Ruhlmann and Jean Weiss
Porphyrins and Polyoxometalate Scaffolds
Chemistry – A European Journal, (First published: 30 August 2021) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202102277
Jean Weiss, équipe CLAC ( https://lclac.chimie.unistra.fr/ ) et Laurent Ruhlmann, équipe LECPCS (http://lecpcsunistra.wixsite.com/unistra-lecpcs), Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177).