Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.


A ß-cyclodextrin-based diphosphane with metal confining properties was efficiently synthesized thanks to an unprecedented Smiles-like rearrangement of 1-diphenylphosphino-2-phosphinobenzene in the presence of excess n-BuLi. The cis-chelating bidentate ligand is capable of forming very stable heteroleptic [Cu(NN)(PP)]+ complexes in which a metal-bound diimine ligand (bpy, phen or mmp) is located within the cyclodextrin cavity. As a result of ligand encapsulation, flattening of the metal tetrahedral geometry in the excited state is disfavored resulting in enhanced luminescent properties.



Stable luminescent [Cu(NN)(PP)]+ complexes incorporating a b-cyclodextrin-based diphosphane ligand with metal confining properties

Tuan-Ahn Phan, Nicola Armaroli, Alejandra Saavedra Moncada, Elisa Bandini, Béatrice Delavaux-Nicot, Jean-François Nierengarten, Dominique Armspach

Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Novembre 2022 - DOI:



Dominique Armspach, équipe Confinement Moléculaire et Catalyse, Institut de Chimie de Strasbourg (UMR 7177).


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