Welcome to the "Institut de Chimie de Strasbourg" website

The Institute of Chemistry of Strasbourg is a joint Research Laboratory (UMR 7177) under the double affiliation of the CNRS and the University of Strasbourg.

Located on the Campus de l'Esplanade in the heart of Strasbourg, the Institute employs around 160 people, including full researchers and professors, technical and administrative staff, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows. The Institute is a multidisciplinary unit dedicated to all aspects of Molecular Chemistry, organised around 4 axes:

  • Organic Chemistry
  • Biological Chemistry
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,
  • Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis and Coordination Chemistry

Please feel free to visit the entire site and to contact us if you require any further information.

More about us




Actualités de l'INC [ECMC]

L'Institut de Chimie de Strasbourg a le plaisir de vous annoncer que l'article « Stable luminescent [Cu(NN)(PP)]+ complexes incorporating a…

Actualités de l'INC [IFM]

Regarding the article « Lateral fenestrations in the extracellular domain of the glycine receptor contribute to the main chloride permeation pathway »…

Latest publications

Bioconjugate Chemistry

Abstract Cu(II) coordination complexes are emerging as promising anticancer agents due to their ability to induce oxidative stress through reactive…

Chemistry A European Journal

Abstract Oxidatively induced reductive elimination (OIRE) has become a crucial chemical process to enable the effective formation of otherwise much…

Nature Communications

Abstract Electric fields represent an ideal means for controlling spins at the nanoscale and, more specifically, for manipulating protected degrees…

Inorganic Chemistry

Abstract The present study details the synthesis and characterization of a robust, monomeric Al–H aluminate supported by a tridentate tris-phenolate…

Inorganic Chemistry

Abstract Imaging extracellular Cu2+ in vivo is of paramount interest due to its biological importance in both physiological and pathological states.…

Chem. Eur. J.

Abstract The use of VIV and CuII spins to design weakly coupled and dissymmetric spin systems has been examined. Such systems were synthesized using…

Org. Chem. Front.

ABSTRACT A totally controlled regiodivergent azidation of activated N-allenamides is presented. Using TMSN3/TBAF, β-azidation of N-allenamides occurs…

Nature Communications

Tweet The IFM team in collaboration with researchers at ENS Lyon and Institut Pasteur used advanced molecular simulations to investigate how…

Angew Chem Int Ed

Abstract Several copper-ligands, including 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen), have been investigated for anticancer purposes based on their capacity to bind…

A word from the Director

The Institut de Chimie de Strasbourg, a patchwork unit, has never ceased to evolve, following the transformation of research activities for which it is renowned, and the advent of new ones on the international scene. The diversity of the unit is not limited to the identification of valuable supporting agencies, but is also reflected in its willingness to imagine the future by combining solid achievements with uncertain explorations, strengthening research developed by both women and men, and finally breaking down cultural and thematic barriers. By promoting the achievements of every one of us, we hope to contribute to the emergence of knowledge shared by all, within an ethical framework, and collectively mobilized in the quest for truth.

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