Nature Communications


Electric fields represent an ideal means for controlling spins at the nanoscale and, more specifically, for manipulating protected degrees of freedom in multispin systems. Here we perform low-temperature magnetic far-IR spectroscopy on a molecular spin triangle (Fe3) and provide initial experimental evidence suggesting spin-electric transitions in polynuclear complexes. The co-presence of electric- and magnetic-dipole transitions, allows us to estimate the spin-electric coupling. Based on spin Hamiltonian simulations of the spectra, we identify the observed transitions and introduce the concept of a generalized exchange qubit. This applies to a wide class of molecular spin triangles, and includes the scalar chirality and the partial spin sum qubits as special cases.



Probing spin-electric transitions in a molecular exchange qubit

Nature Communications 16, Article number: 1198 (2025) – DOI :



Athanassios K. Boudalis, team POMAM, Institut de Chimie de Strasbourg, UMR7177.

Université de Strasbourg
Centre national de la recherche scientifique | CNRS
Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn