
Metal ion-catalysed overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are believed to contribute significantly to oxidative stress and be involved in several biological processes, from immune defence to development of diseases. Among the essential metal ions, copper is one of the most efficient catalysts in ROS production in the presence of O2 and a physiological reducing agent such as ascorbate. To control this chemistry, Cu ions are tightly coordinated to biomolecules. Free or loosely bound Cu ions are generally avoided to prevent their toxicity. In the present report, we aim to find stable Cu-ligand complexes (Cu-L) that can catalyse efficiently the production of ROS in presence of ascorbate under aerobic conditions. Thermodynamic stability would be needed to avoid dissociation in biological environment and high ROS catalysis is of interest for applications as in antimicrobial or anticancer agents. A series of Cu complexes with the well-known tripodal and tetradentate ligands containing a central amine linked to three pyridyl-alkyl arms of different lengths were investigated. The two of them with mixed armlength showed higher catalytic activity in oxidation of ascorbate and subsequent ROS production than Cu salts in buffer, which is an unprecedented result. Despite these high catalytic activities, no increased antimicrobial activity towards E. coli or cytotoxicity against eukaryotic AGS cells in culture related to Cu-L based ROS production could be observed. The potential reasons for discrepancy between in vitro and in cell data will be discussed.


Quest for a stable Cu-ligand complex with a high catalytic activity to produce ROS

Merwan Bouraguba, Adeline M. Schmitt, Yelisetty Venkata Suseela, Bertrand Vileno, Frédéric Melin,Elise Glattard, Christophe Orvai, Vincent Lebrun, Laurent Raibaut, Marianne Ilbert, Burkhard Bechinger, Petra Hellwig, Christian Gaiddon, Angélique Sour,and Peter Faller

Metallomics, (2024) - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/mtomcs/mfae020



Peter Faller, team BCB, Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177).

Université de Strasbourg
Centre national de la recherche scientifique | CNRS
Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn