Inorganica Chimica Acta


Mononuclear chromium(III) complexes of formula mer-[CrIIICl3(pz*H)3] (pz*H = pyrazole (pzH), and substituted pyrazoles: 3-Me-pzH, 4-Me-pzH, 4-Cl-pzH, 4-Br-pzH, 4-I-pzH) and trans-[CrIIICl2(pzH)4]Cl were synthesized from reactions of CrCl3 hydrate and pyrazole ligands and crystallographically characterized. The fluxional behavior of the complexes, attributed to pyrazole tautomerization, was probed by variable temperature 1H NMR spectra in the −50 °C to +23 °C range and activation parameters were derived. Q-band EPR were recorded and analyzed for mer-[CrIIICl3(pz*H)3] (R = H, Me, Cl) showing satellite features corresponding to weak zero-field splitting (zfs).






Chromium(III)-pyrazole complexes. X-Ray crystal structures, 1H NMR investigation of ligand fluxional behavior and EPR studies

Jessica M.López Plá, Athanassios K.Boudalis, Joshua Telser, Raphael G.Raptis

Inorganica Chimica Acta, volume 502, 1 March 2020, 119299 - DOI:


Contact chercheur

Athanassios K. Boudalis (, POMAM, Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177).

Université de Strasbourg
Centre national de la recherche scientifique | CNRS
Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn