Inorganic Chemistry


The present study details the synthesis and characterization of a robust, monomeric Al–H aluminate supported by a tridentate tris-phenolate ligand, isolated as [2][Li(THF)4] and [2][N(nBu)4] salts, which were then exploited as CO2 hydroboration catalysts. As initial reactivity studies, it was observed that the nucleophilic Al–H anion in [2][C] (C = countercation [Li(THF)4]+ or [N(nBu)4]+) reacts fast with CO2, to afford the corresponding Al-formate complexes [3][C], which were isolated and structurally characterized. Such anions were then exploited as potential CO2 reduction catalysts. Salts [23][N(nBu)4] are efficient and robust CO2 hydroboration catalysts in the presence of pinBH or Me2S-BH3 as hydroborane sources to selectively afford formate-equivalent or methanol-equivalent products (TON up 1920), depending on reaction conditions and the nature of the countercation. As deduced from detailed DFT calculations, the Al-formate anion [3] acts as a nucleophilic catalyst (for borane activation) but also as an electrophile (through the AlOCO carbon) allowing CO2 activation/functionalization and thus the reduction catalysis to occur, a process thermodynamically driven by the stability of the reduction products. The anionic nature of [2] and [3] aluminates, resulting in an enhanced nucleophilicity (vs neutral analogues), may thus be crucial for catalytic activity. In contrast, according to DFT calculations performed with a model anion of [3] and pinBH, a CO2 reduction processing via an Al–O/B–H σ-bond metathesis appears to be kinetically unfavored. The proposed mechanism involving an electrophilic/nucleophilic dual-activation mode also rationalizes the importance of countercation [C]+ in [2-3][C] for catalytic activity and selectivity, as demonstrated by the higher performance of [2][N(nBu)4] vs [2][Li(THF)4].


A Robust C 3 -Symmetric Aluminate Hydride for CO2 Hydroboration Catalysis: Mechanistic Insights and Countercation Influence on Catalytic Performance

Sokolovicz, Y. C. A.; Hild, F.; Tongdee, S.; Gourlaouen, C.; Dos Santos, J. H. Z.; Schrekker, H. S.; Dagorne, S.

Inorg. Chem. 2025 – DOI:



Samuel Dagorne, équipe Synthèse, Réactivité et Catalyse Organométalliques (SRCO), Institut de Chimie de Strasbourg, UMR 7177.

Université de Strasbourg
Centre national de la recherche scientifique | CNRS
Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn