Dalton Transactions


Reversible turn-on fluorescent sensors of Cu(II) are of high interest for biological studies. We re-investigate a reported sensor, showing that turn-on occurs via irreversible Cu(II)-induced sensor oxidation only in the presence of acetonitrile. This prevents its application in biological studies and highlights the challenge of establishing a reversible Cu(II) turn-on sensor.



Falcone E, Sour A, Lebrun V, Ulrich G, Raibaut L, Faller P.

Reversible turn-on fluorescent Cu(II) sensors: rather dream than reality?

Dalton Trans. 2019 -  DOI: 10.1039/c9dt02864a


Contact chercheur

efalcone[at]unistra.fr or pfaller[at]unistra.fr, équipe BCB, Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177).

Université de Strasbourg
Centre national de la recherche scientifique | CNRS
Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn