
Quantum embedding is a divide and conquer strategy that aims at solving the electronic Schrödinger equation of sizeable molecules or extended systems. We establish in the present work a clearer and in-principle-exact connection between density matrix embedding theory (DMET) and density-functional theory (DFT) within the simple but nontrivial one-dimensional Hubbard model. For that purpose, we use our recent reformulation of single-impurity DMET as a Householder transformed density-matrix functional embedding theory (Ht-DMFET). On the basis of well-identified density-functional approximations, a self-consistent local potential functional embedding theory (LPFET) is formulated and implemented. Combining both LPFET and DMET numerical results with our formally exact density-functional embedding theory reveals that a single statically embedded impurity can in principle describe the density-driven Mott–Hubbard transition, provided that a complementary density-functional correlation potential (which is neglected in both DMET and LPFET) exhibits a derivative discontinuity (DD) at half filling. The extension of LPFET to multiple impurities (which would enable to circumvent the modeling of DDs) and its generalization to quantum chemical Hamiltonians are left for future work.


Sajanthan Sekaran, Matthieu Saubanère and Emmanuel Fromager

Local Potential Functional Embedding Theory: A Self-Consistent Flavor of Density Functional Theory for Lattices without Density Functionals

Computation 2022, 10(3), 45; DOI: https://www.mdpi.com/2079-3197/10/3/45


Contact :

Emmanuel Fromager, équipe LCQS, Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177).

Université de Strasbourg
Centre national de la recherche scientifique | CNRS
Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn