
The complexation processes of N,N'‐dibutyl‐1,4,5,8‐naphthalene diimide (NDI) into two types of π‐electron‐rich molecular containers consisting of two Zn(II)‐porphyrins connected by four flexible linkers of two different lengths, were characterized by means of absorption and emission spectroscopies and molecular dynamics simulation. Molecular dynamics simulations confirm the fast binding of NDI, likely assisted by NDI‐silver(I) interactions. Upon NDI complexation, the two porphyrin macrocycles get closer, with an optimized face to face orientation, suggesting an induced‐fit mechanism through π–π interactions with the NDI aromatic cycle. Ultrafast transient absorption experiments allowed to identify the process of quenching of the Zn‐porphyrin fluorescence as an efficient photoinduced electron transfer reaction between the cage porphyrin and the included NDI guest. The combined computational and experimental approach used here is able to furnish a reliable model of the NDI‐cage complexation mechanism and of the corresponding electron transfer reaction, attesting the allosteric control of both processes by the silver(I) ions.


Laura Zanetti-Polzi, Ryan Djemili, Stéphanie Durot, Valérie Heitz, Isabella Daidone, Barbara Ventura

Allosteric Control of Naphthalene Diimide Encapsulation and Electron Transfer in Porphyrin Containers: Photophysical Studies and Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Chem. Eur. J. 2020, DOI :https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.20200315



Valérie Heitz , équipe LSAMM, http://lsamm.fr/, Institut de Chimie (UMR 7177).

Université de Strasbourg
Centre national de la recherche scientifique | CNRS
Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn