Two novel polyoxovanadate-iodoBodipy supramolecular assemblies, named as (2I-BDP-C6)2V6 and (2I-BDP-C6)3V10, were first synthesized by self-assembly of anionic hexavanadate and decavanadate with cationic iodoBodipy for photochemotherapy, respectively. The mechanisms for synergistic photochemotherapy of anion-cation pairs were forced on. In particular, (2I-BDP-C6)3V10 is the first example of polyoxovanadates used for photochemotherapy which can effectively kill lung cancer cells (HepG2) by synergetic chemotherapy as well as photodynamic therapy.
Graphcal Abstract
The synthetic route (2I-BDP-C6)2V6 and (2I-BDP-C6)3V10. a, molecular structure of (2I-BDP-C6)2V6, H atoms are omitted for clarity. Color code: V - orange, O - red, N - blue, C - grey, B - yellow, F - green and I - purple; b, SEM image of (2I-BDP-C6)3V10.