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The ITCASS-ERGECD biennial joint meeting will take place in Strasbourg from 15 to 17 April 2026.
This congress brings together world recognized experts in the fields of allergic contact dermatitis and skin inflammation, immunotoxicology and immunology. It embraces chemical scientists, cell biologists, immunologists, toxicologists, epidemiologists and clinicians. Strasbourg 2026 will provide a real update on the latest scientific advances, both experimental and theoretical, encouraging the development of new methods and innovative techniques to improve risk assessment of chemical and biological substances.
Particular attention will be paid for example to new generation NAMs (New Approach Methodologies), non-animal testing methods for assessing skin sensitization to chemical compounds, and necessary and relevant responses to current uncertainties.
31th ERGECD meeting
European Research Group on Experimental Contact Dermatitis
The European Research Group on Experimental Contact Dermatitis (ERGECD) was established 45 years ago to bring together experts from across Europe to share the latest news from research into non clinical aspects of allergic contact dermatitis. In fact, ERGECD was born in response to the limited attention paid to scientific and toxicological aspects at clinical meetings on this disease at the time.
Since then, and approximately every 18 months, ERGECD organizes open conferences in locations around Europe to explore the latest developments in the science of allergic contact dermatitis, ranging from the chemical and molecular aspects, understanding the chemistry of substances that cause this type of allergy, to the immunological aspects, understanding the adaptive immune responses, and all in all helping to debate how to translate this knowledge into improved predictive methods. These meetings have often been the first place for the presentation of new developments that have changed the discipline, e.g. the advent of the local lymph node assay (LLNA), the importance of oxidation in the generation of sensitizing chemicals, and the realization of the central role of dendritic cells in stimulating the T lymphocytes that are the ultimate effector cells in skin allergy. In recent years, particular attention has been paid to the new generation of NAMs (New Approach Methodologies), non-animal test methods for assessing skin sensitization to chemical compounds, and it is still necessary and relevant to respond to current uncertainties.
The conference is traditionally held in an open and friendly atmosphere. Researchers share their latest findings in an informal way, with time for discussion, and it is a perfect and appropriate first venue for PhD student presentations. Social events have also always been an integral part of the meetings.
It was held in 1983 in Strasbourg, France. And now it will return to this wonderful city in 2026. We hope to see you all here to share science and friendship, and we look forward to welcoming you to Strasbourg for the next ERGECD in 2026.
12th ITCASS meeting
Immunotoxicology and Chemical Allergy Specialty Section
The goal of the Immunotoxicology and Chemical Allergy Speciality Section (ITCASS) is to serve as a focal point for EUROTOX members interested in immunotoxicology, chemical allergy, drug allergy and food allergy through educational activities that emphasize fundamental development and application in immunotoxicology, chemical allergy, drug allergy and food allergy, and planning scientific workshops and symposia held during the EUROTOX annual congress.
In addition, the section seeks to promote immunotoxicology as a discipline by increasing our understanding of the impact of xenobiotics on the immune system, increasing our understanding of the mechanisms of immunomodulation, encourage the development of new innovative methods and techniques to improve human risk assessment.
Since 2020, it has been clear that joining forces with ERGECD has been the right decision in optimizing collaboration, and it has been very beneficial to bring together expertise in immunotoxicology.
Saadia Kerdine-Römer / President ITCASS

Programme attempt

Collège doctroral Européen / 46 Bd de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg

How to get there
Collège Doctoral Européen
46 Bd de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg
Tramway C, E or F / Tram station « Observatoire »
From Strasbourg Central Station:
Tramway C (on the left when you exit the train station)
Tram Station : Observatoire (every 5-7 min)
From Strasbourg Airport:
Take the shuttle train from the airport to Strasbourg Central Station (8-minute journey). From there, follow the directions given in the previous paragraph.
For more information, please visit:
Hotel Suggestions
Strasbourg is a city with plenty of hotels! Here are just a few suggestions:
- Hotel Ibis Budget République
Sponsor Hall of Fame
Scientific Organizing Committee
University of Strasbourg POMAM Lab
Dr. Elena Gimenez-Arnau egimenez[at]
Dr. Nolwenn Le Breton nlebtron[at]
Dr. Bertrand Vileno vileno[at]
University of Paris-Saclay
Prof. Saadia Kerdine-romer saadia.kerdine-romer[at]
Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, Lyon
Dr. Marc VOCANSON marc.vocanson[at]