Head of the research group
Laurence MIESCH![logo](uploads/RTEmagicC_logo2_SOPHY_01.png.png)
Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
Year of creation of the group - 2018 (formerly LCOS)
Le Bel Institute, 4th floor South
Secretarial and accounting services provided by
email : reiffste@unistra.fr
Phone : +33 (0)3 68 85 14 32
Permanent members
- Laurence MIESCH
Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
email : lmiesch@unistra.fr
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 17 51
Non-permanent members
PhD students:
- Dorian Schutz
- Clément Gommenginger
Research topics
1-Developing new methods in organic synthesis: Reactivity of keto-ynamides
- The reactivity of keto-ynamides with or without metals is being studied to access original polycyclic structures.
- Organic reactions are being carried out in self-assembled nanoreactors in water, provviding a greener approach to synthesize valuable building blocks for natural products.
Small molecules that serve as standards for elucidating biosynthetic pathways in plants are being synthesized.
- An area of great interest is the synthesis and characterization of innovative active ingredients present in plants with therapeutic activities. This research is carried out in collaboration with Plant Advanced Technologies (PAT), a company that has developed a unique technology, "the milking plant", as an innovative asset sourcing solution: (http://www.plantadvanced.com/).
- Oxidized metabolites of jasmonates that are involved plant defence are being constructed as means to identify the enzymes responsible for their formation.
- Sterols are being synthesized to create new probes to understand more clearly the functions of these molecules within the plant cell.
- Synthesis of intermediates of the strigolactone biosynthetic pathway (MeCLA) that promote the growth of parasitic plants. For example, Striga hermonthica, is one of the seven most serious biotic threats to food security, affecting the livelihoods of 100 million people. The goal is to understand this phenomenon to find a way to eradicate this process.
- Synthesis of molecules responsible for aromas in wines in collaboration with INRA.
Description of the research group
SOPhy offers the possibility of internships (IUT, M1-M2 masters, chemistry schools ...) or to prepare a thesis at the University of Strasbourg. The group is recognized for providing excellent training in synthetic organic chemistry.
SOPhy offers research training based on preparative organic chemistry. The thesis is always considered under its double aspect of original scientific work and period of apprenticeship of a profession.
List of equiment and instruments
- An ozonolyseur
- A station for distillated solvents
- A flash chromatography
- A FT-IR spectrophotometer
- A High Pressure system
- An HPLC chromatography
- A Micro-waves system
Recent publications
Yongxiang Zheng, Anna Perfetto, Davide Luise, Ilaria Ciofini, Laurence Miesch
Direct Synthesis of CF2HSubstituted 2Amidofurans via Copper-Catalyzed Addition of Difluorinated Diazoacetone to Ynamides
Org. Lett. 2021 – DOI :https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.1c01876
Yongxiang Zheng, Lucile Andna, Olivia Bistri, and Laurence Miesch
Tertiary Enamide-Promoted Diastereoselective Domino: N-Acyliminium Ion Trapping and Nazarov Cyclization
Org. Lett. 2020 – DOI : 10.1021/acs.orglett.0c02251
Frédéric Beltran and Laurence Miesch
Tertiary Enamide-Triggered SEAr: Domino Allylation and Enamine-Type Addition
Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 1569-1573
C. F. Heinrich, I. Fabre, L. Miesch
Silver Catalyzed 7-exo-dig Cyclization of Silylenolether-ynesulfonamides
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 5170-5174
Photo gallery
A small overview of our research group