Conférences du vendredi
ED Sciences Chimiques ED222
(Présentiel, Amphi 2, ILB)
Pr Jonathan SESSLER (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
"Texas-inspired drug discovery efforts "
Dr Sylviane MULLER (UMR 7242 CNRS, USIAS, Strasbourg)
Dr Vincent BIZET (UMR CNRS 7042-LIMA, Univ. de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse)
"How to take advantage of polarized C≡C bonds reactivity?"
Pr Liliana QUINTANAR VERA (Department of Chemistry, Cinvestav, Mexico City)
"Copper-protein interactions in degenerative diseases: From the brain to the human lens"
Pr Loic JIERRY (Institut Charles Sadron, Université de Strasbourg)
"Enzyme-Assisted Self-Assembly: from Catalytic Flow Chemistry to Autocatalytic Hydrogel Growth"