It is our pleasure to invite you to a mini-symposium on quantum computing applications as part of the kickoff of the aQCess project - Atomic quantum computing as a service
Mini-symposium aQCess
Atomic Quantum Computing as a Service
25 April 2022, 14h00 - 16h30
Revolutionary advances in our ability to prepare and control collections of isolated quantum objects will soon provide the means to solve important computational problems that cannot be solved even with the most powerful classical computers. Accordingly, there is an urgent need to make this technology more accessible for research and to train the scientists and engineers who will build the future quantum-aware society. aQCess - "Atomic Quantum Computing as a Service" will be a public quantum computing platform led by the University of Strasbourg, supported by the French National Research Agency under the EquipEx+ programme and integrated within the PEPR Quantique as part of the French National Quantum Strategy. The platform is intended to become a widely used tool for multidisciplinary research and training in quantum computing and applications spanning chemistry, materials science, physics, mathematics and computer science.
- Emmanuel Fromager & Saad Yalouz, IC
Strong electron correlation in quantum chemistry and the promises of quantum computing
- Johannes Schachenmayer, CESQ-ISIS
“Entanglement” as resource for computing quantum many-body dynamics
- Semyon Klevstov, IRMA
Geometric test for topological phases of quantum matter
- Guido Ori, IPCMS (to be confirmed)
Exploiting the reach of quantum computing for materials science
Participate in presence:
CESQ ISIS - UMR 7006, Bât. 120, 23 RUE DU LOESS (Cronenbourg Campus)
Limited space only, please register before the event at: