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2019, UNE ANNÉE avec le CNRS en Alsace (SOPhy/ IBMP/RMN)

janv. 27 2021

Regarding the article "A Promiscuous CYP706A3 Reduces Terpene Volatile Emission from Arabidopsis Flowers, with Impacts on Florivores and Floral Microbiome published in Plant Cell in december 2019 and previously selected for “les Actualités de l’INSB”.

The Institute of Chemistry is pleased to inform you that this work resulting from a close collaboration of the SOPhy team directed by L. Miesch (UMR 7177), D. Werck IBMP (UPR 2357), B. Vincent and L. Allouche (NMR service, FR 2010) has also been selected to appear in “2019, UNE ANNÉE AVEC LE CNRS en Alsace