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Chemistry : A European Journal [CLAC]

Oct 19 2018

Abstract :

Porphyrins are conjugated, stable chromophores with a central core that binds a variety of metal ions and an easily functionalized peripheral framework. By combining the catalytic, electronic or cytotoxic properties of selected transition metal complexes with the binding and electronic properties of porphyrins, enhanced characteristics of the ensemble are generated. This review article focuses on por- phyrins bearing one or more peripheral transition metal complexes and discusses their potential applications in catal- ysis or biomedicine. Modulation of the electronic properties and intramolecular communication through coordination bond linkages in bis-porphyrin scaffolds is also presented.


Reference :

Jean‐François Longevial, Sébastien Clément, Jennifer A. Wytko, Romain Ruppert, Jean Weiss and Sébastien Richeter

Peripherally Metalated Porphyrins with Applications in Catalysis, Molecular Electronics and

Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 15442 – 15460 - DOI : 10.1002/chem.201801211

Contact chercheur :

Jean Weiss, équipe CLAC (Chimie des Ligands à Architecture Contrôlée), Institut de Chimie, UMR 7177.

Frontispiece :