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Conférence Pr. Mitsutaka Okumura (2)

Le 7 mars 2019
À 16h30
Salle Mauve

Pr. Mitsutaka Okumura from Osaka, Unistra invited Professor, will give two "Conférences de Chimie-Physique" during his stay (from Feb. 22 to Mar. 8):


Conference 2: Thursday March the 7th, 2019 at 4:30 pm

"Theoretical investigation for the hetero-junction effect of Nano cluster catalysts"

Pr. M. Okumura, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University & Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts and Batteries (ESICB), Kyoto University, Japan

Location: Salle Mauve, Faculté de Chimie, 1 rue Blaise Pascal, Campus Esplanade.

Contact: E. Gindensperger, LCQ, Institut de Chimie, UMR 7177.